Are You Unknowingly Poisoning Your Pet?

You take your best friend to the vet for regular checkups, feed him and play with him, and give him treats to show your love. And according to the APPA National Pet Owners Survey; pet parents spend $70 or more on treats each year for their pets. But what is actually in those treats?

“We learned the hard way when our Felix was having difficulties going potty. He tried and tried but could not tinkle. After more than 24 hours of not going, we rushed him to the emergency clinic and discovered he had a bladder so full it was nearly bursting. We almost lost him in the most painful, horrific way.

He had developed an infection and crystals in his bladder from the dry store-bought treats and food we were feeding him. We read the labels as best we could with all those big chemical-sounding names. We thought it was a good brand. Unfortunately, the Veterinary Medicine education does not include much about nutrition, so most vets provide bad advice for this disorder which leads your poor pet down the path of repeated blockages. Thankfully, our Vet; Dr. Roberts of Wheeling Animal Hospital is well-versed in this area and gave us some recommendations for proper nutrition.

3 days and $3000 later we brought him home with the warning that he could no longer tolerate dry food or treats. He is on a strict wet food only diet”.

There Are Hidden Dangers in Your Pets Food and Treats

From December 30, 2020, to January 12, 2021, nearly 100 pets have died due to toxins…



Liz Nellis - Alternative Health and Finance Writer

Published poet and writer interested in all things natural and obvious. Good health goes hand in hand with financial stability