7 Essentials Items in Your Herbal First Aid Kit
We should all have a first aid kit in our homes, our offices, our cars and garages (if we have one). You want to have the perfect herbal first aid kit with the most beneficial items for all of those sudden minor emergencies. But you want to keep it natural and safe without ingredients that your family may be allergic to.
For cuts and scrapes at your child’s soccer game, for the administrative assistant that suddenly got the God-awful paper cut. The dreaded toothache your spouse is suffering from or God forbid you’re in the grips of a cold coming on.
How many times have you gone to visit a friend and sadly had an allergic reaction to their pet? You’ll be glad you have your trusty Herbal First Aid Kit handy in your car. Or maybe you keep a few small items in your purse or diaper bag.
1. Petro Carbo Salve: What it is and where you can get it
It’s made by the JR Watkins company who have been in business since 1868 and it’s available at some stores like Walgreens and Ace Hardware.
Petro carbo salve is a pain relieving first aid ointment that works great on minor burns, Sunburn, cuts, insect bites and other minor skin irritations.
This salve speeds the healing of pressure sores, draws out embedded dirt from road rash, relieves pain from wind burn, athlete’s foot and cracked skin.
2. Oil of Wild Oregano: You may have never heard of it, but here is why you need it?
Oil of Oregano is a potent oil whose main ingredient is Carvacrol, it quickly eliminates bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, viruses and has no side effects.
It can be taken internally for a cough, sore throat, bad breath, indigestion, bladder and kidney infections, parasites and peptic ulcers as well as fatigue and headaches.
I use it myself with toothpaste to remove extra plaque. It’s wonderful for toothaches, gum irritation and cold sore pain. Find it online at Curingherbs.com.
3. Honey: YES Honey and here’s why
Not just for high tea. Honey has been used for centuries for its wound healing abilities and adds a protective barrier to the affected area.
The healing properties of honey not only provide antibacterial protection but keeps the wound moist which promotes faster healing and the growth of new skin.
Always keep some honey packets handy in your home or auto first aid kit. Use it on insect stings, burns, or any inflamed skin wounds.
4. Zyrtec Allergy Tablets: A non-drowsy emergency aid
An over the counter non-drowsy Histamine blocker that provides relief of allergy symptoms. Taken any time of day or night at the onset of symptoms.
Starts working in 20 minutes by my experience and provides relief for 24 hours. Good for nose and eye, food, skin, animal and insect allergies.
It’s available in 3 convenient forms, liquid, Chewables and tablet form. With a low incidence of side effects Zyrtec can be tolerated by most people.
5. Echinacea: You may have heard of it but what exactly does it do?
Echinacea has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties and gives your immune system a jumpstart. Reduces the chance of developing a cold and cuts the duration.
It helps control blood sugar, aids cell repair by destroying toxins while lowering blood pressure and reduces inflammation in cases of rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s.
Cancer treatments weaken the immune system and kill off healthy cells, drinking Echinacea tea may help reduce side effects and block its ability to grow.
6. Garlic Tablets: Does it have a garlicy aftertaste?
Garlic is natures antibiotic. The best garlic tablet is made by Whole Foods, no garlicy aftertaste and is the most potent of most other brands.
Be careful if taking a blood-thinning medication as large doses of garlic can raise the effects of those medications and cause more harm than good.
Garlic can also combat heart disease. Studies show it is effective in fighting against Salmonella and E-Coli. Yeast and fungi are no match for Garlic.
7. Ginger: A Powerful Medicine in the Produce Department
Remember as children; grandma used to give us ginger ale for an upset stomach. It was a wonder drink. But ginger does so much more.
Not only does it relieve nausea, but it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Its effective relief for muscle pain after a tough gym workout.
Ginger has also been shown to lower blood sugar levels and to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. And as we age it can improve brain function.
These 7 Essentials Make Up The Perfect Herbal First Aid Kit
Imagine the unfortunate incident of stepping on a fire ant hill, you’ll be prepared with a packet of Honey or your handy Petro Carbo Salve to soothe the sting of those horrible bites. Oil of Oregano can help with the pain as well so make sure you have that in your first aid arsenal too!
Having these herbs on hand will make sure you’ll always be prepared for sudden small emergencies or little mishaps. Keep Ginger handy on your spice rack or ginger ale in your pantry for your little ones upset stomach. And you’ll be a hero when you successfully keep colds away from your house with your secret weapon of Echinacea and Garlic.
Lets put together your perfect Herbal First Aid Kit, first things first is to decide what kind of container you want to hold your goodies. Would one of those authentic old doctor’s bags fit your personality or do you prefer a traditional first aid box. Or maybe both, the doctor’s bag for your car and a box for your linen closet or bathroom. Maybe I’ll see you in the vitamin aisle.